Unison Modules and Libraries: Building Reusable Code

Are you tired of writing the same code over and over again? Do you wish there was a way to easily reuse code across different projects? Look no further than Unison Modules and Libraries!

Unison is a cutting-edge programming language that is designed for building distributed systems. One of the key features of Unison is its support for modular programming. In this article, we will explore how Unison Modules and Libraries can help you build reusable code that can be shared across different projects.

What are Unison Modules?

A module is a self-contained unit of code that can be imported into other programs. In Unison, modules are defined using the module keyword. Here is an example of a simple module:

module Math
  let add x y = x + y
  let subtract x y = x - y

In this module, we define two functions: add and subtract. These functions can be used in other programs by importing the Math module. Here is an example of how to use the Math module:

use Math
let result = Math.add 1 2

In this example, we import the Math module using the use keyword. We then use the add function to add 1 and 2, and store the result in the result variable.

What are Unison Libraries?

A library is a collection of modules that can be used together to provide a set of related functionality. In Unison, libraries are defined using the library keyword. Here is an example of a simple library:

library MathLib
  module Math
    let add x y = x + y
    let subtract x y = x - y
  module Statistics
    let mean xs = List.sum xs / List.length xs
    let variance xs =
      let m = mean xs
      List.sum (List.map (\x -> (x - m) ** 2) xs) / List.length xs

In this library, we define two modules: Math and Statistics. The Math module is the same as the one we defined earlier. The Statistics module defines two functions: mean and variance. These functions can be used in other programs by importing the MathLib library. Here is an example of how to use the MathLib library:

use MathLib.Math
use MathLib.Statistics
let xs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
let m = Math.add 1 2
let v = Statistics.variance xs

In this example, we import the Math and Statistics modules from the MathLib library using the use keyword. We then use the add function from the Math module to add 1 and 2, and store the result in the m variable. We also use the variance function from the Statistics module to calculate the variance of the xs list, and store the result in the v variable.

Benefits of Unison Modules and Libraries

Using Unison Modules and Libraries has several benefits:


By defining code in modules and libraries, you can easily reuse it across different projects. This can save you time and effort, as you don't have to write the same code over and over again.


Modules and libraries provide a way to encapsulate code and hide implementation details. This can make your code more maintainable and easier to understand.


By breaking your code into modules and libraries, you can create a more modular architecture. This can make it easier to reason about your code and make changes without affecting other parts of the system.


Modules and libraries can be versioned, which allows you to track changes and ensure that different projects are using the same version of the code. This can help prevent compatibility issues and make it easier to maintain your code over time.

Best Practices for Using Unison Modules and Libraries

Here are some best practices for using Unison Modules and Libraries:

Keep Modules Small and Focused

Modules should be small and focused on a specific task. This makes them easier to understand and reuse. If a module becomes too large, consider breaking it up into smaller modules.

Use Descriptive Names

Use descriptive names for modules and functions. This makes it easier to understand what the code does and how it can be used.

Document Your Code

Document your code using comments and documentation strings. This makes it easier for others to understand how to use your code and what it does.

Test Your Code

Test your code using Unison's built-in testing framework. This ensures that your code works as expected and helps prevent regressions.

Use Version Control

Use version control to track changes to your code and collaborate with others. Unison integrates with Git, so you can use Git to manage your code.


Unison Modules and Libraries provide a powerful way to build reusable code that can be shared across different projects. By breaking your code into modules and libraries, you can create a more modular architecture that is easier to understand and maintain. Follow best practices for using Unison Modules and Libraries to ensure that your code is reusable, maintainable, and easy to understand.

Additional Resources

promptcatalog.dev - large language model machine learning prompt management and ideas
dataquality.dev - analyzing, measuring, understanding and evaluating data quality
crates.community - curating, reviewing and improving rust crates
cloudchecklist.dev - A site for cloud readiness and preparedness, similar to Amazon well architected
crates.reviews - reviewing the best and most useful rust packages
tacticalroleplaying.games - tactical roleplaying games
javascriptbook.dev - An javascript book online
cloudtraining.dev - learning cloud computing in gcp, azure, aws. Including certification, infrastructure, networking
changedatacapture.dev - data migration, data movement, database replication, onprem to cloud streaming
coinpayments.app - crypto merchant brokers, integration to their APIs
cryptoratings.app - ranking different cryptos by their quality, identifying scams, alerting on red flags
cryptonewstoday.app - crypto news
datamigration.dev - data migration across clouds, on prem, data movement, database migration, cloud, datalake and lakehouse implementations
flashcards.dev - studying flashcards to memorize content. Quiz software
mlsql.dev - machine learning through sql, and generating sql
sitereliability.app - site reliability engineering SRE
kubernetes.run - running kubernetes in the cloud
deepdive.video - deep dive lectures, tutorials and courses about software engineering, databases, networking, cloud, and other tech topics
visualize.dev - data visualization, cloud visualization, graph and python visualization
learndevops.dev - learning devops

Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD (haskellr@mit.edu). Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed