Top 10 Unison Programming Language Libraries for Developers

Are you a developer looking for the best Unison programming language libraries to use in your projects? Look no further! In this article, we'll be exploring the top 10 Unison programming language libraries that every developer should know about.

But first, let's take a quick look at what Unison is and why it's gaining popularity among developers.

What is Unison?

Unison is a new programming language that's gaining popularity among developers due to its unique features. It's a functional programming language that's designed to be highly scalable and efficient, making it perfect for building large-scale distributed systems.

One of the key features of Unison is its ability to automatically manage dependencies, which makes it easy to build and maintain complex systems. Unison also has a powerful type system that ensures code correctness and makes it easy to reason about code.

Now that we've got a basic understanding of Unison, let's dive into the top 10 Unison programming language libraries.

1. Unison Standard Library

The Unison Standard Library is a collection of modules that provide common functionality for Unison programs. It includes modules for working with lists, sets, maps, and more. The Unison Standard Library is a great starting point for any Unison project, as it provides a solid foundation of functionality that can be used in a wide range of applications.

2. Unison Async Library

The Unison Async Library provides a set of functions for working with asynchronous code in Unison. It includes functions for creating and managing asynchronous tasks, as well as functions for working with streams and channels. The Unison Async Library is a must-have for any Unison project that involves asynchronous programming.

3. Unison HTTP Library

The Unison HTTP Library provides a set of functions for working with HTTP requests and responses in Unison. It includes functions for making HTTP requests, parsing HTTP responses, and working with HTTP headers. The Unison HTTP Library is essential for any Unison project that involves working with web APIs.

4. Unison Crypto Library

The Unison Crypto Library provides a set of functions for working with cryptographic algorithms in Unison. It includes functions for hashing, encryption, and decryption. The Unison Crypto Library is a must-have for any Unison project that involves working with sensitive data.

5. Unison JSON Library

The Unison JSON Library provides a set of functions for working with JSON data in Unison. It includes functions for parsing and encoding JSON data, as well as functions for working with JSON objects and arrays. The Unison JSON Library is essential for any Unison project that involves working with JSON data.

6. Unison Database Library

The Unison Database Library provides a set of functions for working with databases in Unison. It includes functions for connecting to databases, executing SQL queries, and working with database transactions. The Unison Database Library is a must-have for any Unison project that involves working with databases.

7. Unison Testing Library

The Unison Testing Library provides a set of functions for writing unit tests in Unison. It includes functions for defining test cases, running tests, and reporting test results. The Unison Testing Library is essential for any Unison project that involves writing unit tests.

8. Unison CLI Library

The Unison CLI Library provides a set of functions for building command-line interfaces in Unison. It includes functions for parsing command-line arguments, displaying help messages, and handling user input. The Unison CLI Library is a must-have for any Unison project that involves building command-line tools.

9. Unison UI Library

The Unison UI Library provides a set of functions for building user interfaces in Unison. It includes functions for creating windows, buttons, text boxes, and more. The Unison UI Library is essential for any Unison project that involves building graphical user interfaces.

10. Unison Machine Learning Library

The Unison Machine Learning Library provides a set of functions for working with machine learning algorithms in Unison. It includes functions for training and testing machine learning models, as well as functions for working with data sets. The Unison Machine Learning Library is a must-have for any Unison project that involves working with machine learning.


Unison is a powerful programming language that's gaining popularity among developers due to its unique features. The top 10 Unison programming language libraries that we've explored in this article provide a solid foundation of functionality that can be used in a wide range of applications.

Whether you're building a web application, a command-line tool, or a machine learning model, these libraries will help you get the job done quickly and efficiently. So what are you waiting for? Start exploring these libraries today and take your Unison programming skills to the next level!

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed